Wednesday, August 01, 2007

'They said.."

Suliac said the other day " Its freezing hot in the car Mum !!!" it was so funny, trying to explain that freezing was for cold and not hot !
and the other night when we were having a cuddle, i said "what do you think you want to do when you grow up?" he said " I want to be a Rock star, and play guitar !!!!" so cute i will go to his concert !
then last night Haydn said " you know Mum, i have to speak to Charlie and James (his best friends) , because when we are like 17 or 18, we should form a band, and Charlie can play the guitar, i will play the drum and James is in the choir, (meaning he can sing !!)i was cracking up with laughter, i just love it, that my children want to play music for a living !!!
and Eleanor is looking at her future career, with going to the "Con" non non pas con, mais But Conservatorium !! (conservatoire !!!)there are so much option there, i can't believe my girl is going to be in year 10 next year !!
here is a photo to finish this post


Anonymous said...

Trop chouette.
Et dans la famille, tu fais chef d'orchestre ?

Anonymous said...

This layout is so so cool Mimi, simply priceless photos!!

Elie Smith said...

Love this layout Mimi looks great Elie :)