Tuesday, November 28, 2006


That is the question !??
i was checking my friend Ngaire 's blog, check it out by the way she has great stuff on there ! and saw this

it is so cool ! i was just surfing through and came across this article
from a newspaper i think

simple question, but i find these days, people are never happy, they have a lovely house, a nice family, lovely children, no they want more, bigger house, bigger car, nicer family etc, don't you think.
people generally don't know how to be happy with simple things anymore, may be it is just a "gold coast" thing.
for the last few months i have been doing something quite rewarding call Meels on Wheels, the volonteers just deliver meals to older persons that cannot cook for themselves anymore, but still are living at home, i really enjoy doing this, i do it with my friend Di (she recruited me !!!) and my friend Beate( i recruited her !), some of these people only get our visit in the day, when you get into their houses, they are all very simple houses, and i often imagine the kind of lives they had, sometimes ,and wondered if they were happier than we are now. i wish i could just sit and have a cup of tea with them and talk, it would make them so HAPPY i m sure.
this Christmas for instance "focus on the human, not the materiel"
anyway read the article as it is very interesting indeed.
take care for tonight

Sunday, November 26, 2006

more Christmas photos !

lost the other post so this time i am doing it in two posts.
took these photos on saturday of the children of my friends Allie and Di.
hope you like them girls !
take care

trying again i save this as draft this time
more in the next post