Friday, January 05, 2007


Enfin j'ai trouve une idee pour creer une newsletter, juste sur la droite il y a Blogarithm, vous avez juste a mettre votre adresse email et comme cela vous pourrez recevoir un update ! je sais que moi meme si je n'ai pas d'update je ne prends pas le temps d'aller voir tous les blogs. merci de vos visites, je suis heureuse de pouvoir partager un petit bout de notre vie avec vous.
at last i have organised a newsletter, i must say if i don't get updates of blogs i don't visit as often, i love it when my favorite blogs send me updates. they don't have the news letter on blogger so i had to look elsewhere and this one seems to be easy to use. and thank you for your visits and comments, it always make my day to read them.
take care
a bientot





Little Phoebe is so cute isn't she !
and look at those beautiful blue eyes of Emily !!!!
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{Friday's photos}





Thanks for your lovely comment about my photos.
Merci pour vos commentaires sur mes photos qui me font plaisir !
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{Great day}

Today was a very busy day but fantastic day ! it's all OK ! we had 8 children at home 9 in the afternoon !
but they were all so good ! they played baseball, AFL, did some craft with felt and more !
we went to the river, Ali got some drift wood, the boys got wet of course.
we had a chat with the lovely Trish, who joins us in the afternoon with Maina. I took some great photos if i may say so ! just love taking photos...
tonight we had a barbecue, it was just a lovely day.
see you tomorrow
ps will post photo in the next post

Thursday, January 04, 2007

{kylie Minogue's concert}

It was fantastic !
Eleanor loved it !
it was a present for her 13th birthday !
Corrine and I had a great time
(edit friday, just realise the photos were upside down !)


a little present i made for Peter's mum. she loved it. it is an altered canvas.
thanks for looking and all the lovely messages about my photos.
un petit altered canevas que j'ai fait pour la maman de Peter.
Merci de laisser un message, j'adore savoir qui est venue me voir, cela me fait tjrs plaisir !




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{Relaxing day}

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Yes i know i have missed a day !! thought about it in the morning then completely forgot !!! yesterday i went to aquagym, i thought it would be quite relaxing well no way it was full on, and i worked so hard that my muscles a so aching today !! i am in need of a massage. today i had a lovely relaxing day at my friend Beate. We met back in May when we did jury duty together , and we have become friend. she is so lovely. I just had Eleanor today, so it was very relaxing.
Tomorrow will be another story ! My friend Di's children are coming over, the 3 of them so it is going to be a busy house. i just hope it doesn't rain so we can all play outside ! Ally is coming to give me a hand, and bringing her two children too !!
can't wait it is going to be fun !!
see you tomorrow !

Monday, January 01, 2007

{Haydn }




i just love those photos of Haydn,
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Happy New Year for 2007,
Wishing you all the Best,Love,Happiness, Tenderness, Good Health, and enough money to make you happy. (everyone had different needs !!)
Bonne et Heureuse annee 2007, on vous souhaite beaucoup de bonheur, de joie, de tendresse et d'Amour. et assez d'argent pour vous rendre heureux !
on vous envoie plein de soleil Australien pour vous rechauffer si vous avez froid.
love and kisses
Mimi and family