Sunday, August 26, 2007

{long time between post}

Hi everyone !
just been busy since Eleanor got back from France, don't ask me with what because i could not say, days just seems to fly by.
Last week i played nurse all week, 3 sick children, Suliac being the worst, vomiting for nearly 3 days, poor sweety. Eleanor with swollen tensils and Haydn sore throat, and fever.
well all back at school today thank god !!
this week is full on Eistedfod (sp??) Eleanor is doing violin and cello today in two different performances (of course !!but you know just in case you thought she played both instrument at once !)
Haydn is doing his violin concert tomorrow, and his Drama soon, not sure the date yet.
Suliac lost his first teeth last friday, he is so cute without his front teeth, i reckon he will ask for his "two front teeth at christas !!!"
This morning Haydn practise his pieces again, and Eleanor help him, by playing with him
i couldn't resist to take a photo.
I will post the photos with picassa in the next post as it's seems to be taking ages to do it here !!
see the next post
pour mes lecteurs francais, desole pour le post en Anglais, j'en ferais un en francais cette semaine promis !!
Hugs and kisses

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