Sunday, October 21, 2007
Time just fly....
I can't believe it's been so long between is just so busy at the moment, lots of things happening at home.
yesterday Eleanor took her grade 6 ameb violin exam, the poor sweety was so nervous, but she played beautifully...and tonight she has gone to Brisbane to a competion, with her fellow musiciens from school.
tommorrow is pupil free day, so kids are at home. Eleanor has a reahersal at 11 am and we are going to see Lori ...Yeah i missed her so much while she was in Greece !!
Haydn has started his baseball season, and this morning we did a little photoshoot in the garden !! my son is so gorgeous...even if i say so myself !!
and little Suliac is such a happy little man....
i will post photo from this morning in the next post.
thinking of you all
Posted by mimi at 3:28 AM 1 comments